
selected works

Our Lady Who Burns, 2024

a pregnant cat, paranormal activity on a mountain. it's a short film.

Mandorla, 2024

short silent film. an insominac woman reads obsessively about a levitating saint.

Eventos, 2024

needlepoint tapestries.

Elementals, 2023

needlepoint tapestries, a mountain and visitors

For a Lifelong Disease of Copper, 2021

an exhibition. asteroids, contraception, and genealogy.

Their Many Shapes, 2021

an installation. holographic histories of contraceptive tech, and space extraction.

See You Later Space Island, 2022

a narrative-ish film work featuring satellites and two friends on an island.

Stan Rehearsal - Ensaio para Plataforma de Lançamento, 2020

small video. a group of teenagers film themselves dancing as a rocket is launched into space in the background.

Malva Field, Submerged 2020

exhibition combining different mediums. bacteria, the urinary tract, and herbal medicine projected into a future.

Mood Keep, 2018

axolotls and refusal. it's a film work.
